US Airborne Soldier Versus German Soldier
Association of the United States Army

US Airborne Soldier Versus German Soldier

Regular price $15.00

Paperback, 80 pp
Copyright © 2018 by Osprey Publishing, Ltd.

Proceeds from this book sale go towards the AUSA Scholarship Fund

The US Airborne force fielded some of the toughest, best-trained, and most resourceful troops of World War II--all necessary qualities in a force that was lightly armed and which would in most operational circumstances be surrounded from the moment it landed on the battlefield. The German Wehrmacht grew to rely on a series of defensive measures to combat the airborne threat, including fortifications, localized reserves, and special training to help intercept and disrupt airborne troops both in the air and on the ground. Despite such methods it was cool-headed command and control that would prove to be the real key to blunting the Airborne's edge.

Using specially commissioned artwork, this book examines the development of the American airborne forces that spearheaded the Allied effort in Sicily, Normandy, and Operation 
Market Garden, and the German countermeasures that evolved in response to the threat of Allied airborne landings.

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