The Life of An Airborne Ranger — Book One: Donovan's Skirmish
Paperback, 324 pp
Copyright © 2018 by Michael B. Kitz-Miller
Proceeds from this book sale go towards the AUSA Scholarship Fund
The first in a trilogy, The Life of an Airborne Ranger: Donovan’s Skirmish follows Jack Donovan through the beginning of a storied and valorous career. About to be drafted, Jack enlists in the United States Army and works his way into the famed 101st Airborne. His military career takes off amid the turmoil of the Vietnam War, but his second tour in Vietnam changes everything when company commander Orin Jensen chooses a dangerous bivouac area. While Jack’s weapon squad is returning from a supply depot his company is ambushed by a large Viet Cong company. His heroic actions result in multiple injuries and he is awarded the Medal of Honor. With a special furlough, Jack enrolls in college and meets Mary Clarke. Jack graduates with honors and is commissioned as a second lieutenant. He and Mary Clarke marry, and Jack commences his Airborne Ranger life as an officer and a gentleman.