The Warrior — A Mother's Story of a Son at War
Hardcover, 84 pp.
Copyright 2008 Frances Richey
Proceeds from this book sale go towards the AUSA Scholarship Fund
Frances Richey's son, Ben, whom she raised by herself, graduated from the West Point Military Academy in 1998. He became a Green Beret, and then went for two tours of duty in Iraq, often on missions that were so secret that he had to remain incommunicado from everyone, including his mother.
The Warrior is an urgent and intensely personal exploration of what a mother is feeling as her only son goes off to war, as she says goodbye to him, misses him, prays for him, and waits for him to come home. At the books heart lies a mothers love for her sona son from whom she feels distant, both literally and metaphorically, for she is opposed to the war in Iraq, but nonetheless realizes that she needs to understand, support, and accept the choices her son has made in his life.
A poignant, accessible, and emotionally arresting book told in twenty-eight poems, The Warrior speaks to the world of those who wait while their loved ones are in combat or in dangerous circumstances. It is also concerned with the love and pain that constitute close relationships, in particular, that between a mother and her son. Richey gives readers a window into a world they might not know, but a world that nonetheless touches all our lives. And The Warrior will bring comfort to those who have waited, and are waiting now. Whatever readers feel about the war, all will want to read this moving work for its power and the universal emotions of familial love it portrays with piercing insight.