Beyond Terror
Hardcover, 353 pp
Copyright © 2003 By Ralph Peters
Proceeds from this book sale go towards the AUSA Scholarship Fund
In the precursor to his groundbreaking Beyond Baghdad (0-8117-0084-4), which dissects the war in Iraq and its implications for the West and the Islamic world, acclaimed military strategist and author Ralph Peters assembles 18 essays, some written before and others after the September 11 attacks, that show his writing at its best. Always one step ahead of other military strategists, Peters evaluates the status quo of world affairs and brings years of experience as an Army insider to bear on the state of terrorism in the world today in a collection that has already had a wide influence among government and media since its publication in 2002.
Peters proposes an unorthodox view of intelligence analysis, attacks the lie that American people will not accept casualties, and, in a tour de force, reveals the human side of Clausewitz. Beyond Terror takes us far beyond the intellectual prison of traditional wisdom to offer the most original thinking available on the strategic challenges confronting the United States in the twenty-first century.